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LLMC Vasaras skola Error?! no 11. līdz 15. jūnijam Ruckas mākslas rezidenču centrā Cēsīs


LLMC Vasaras skola Error?! no 11. līdz 15. jūnijam Ruckas mākslas rezidenču centrā Cēsīs
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Latvijas Laikmetīgās mākslas centrs aicina apmeklēt Vasaras skolas Error?! lekciju un darbnīcu programmu.

Skolas šī gada tēma ir Maldīšanās nozīme domāšanā un mākslā. Lekcijas notiks angļu valodā un to apmeklējums ir bez maksas.


18:00-19:00 Diskusija Error?! The Role of Erring in Thinking and Art
19:00-20:00 Izstādes Collective (Im)Possibilities: The Dysfunction of Dilettantism atklāšana. Kurators: Indreks Grigors (Igaunija)

10:00-11:30 Michael Ramscar. Bringing Order to Chaos - How the Mind Learns Through Error
12:00-13:00 Indrek Grigor. Manuscripts Don't Burn. The Unwritten Text and Its Author
14:00-16:00 Edd Schouten. Frame(d)word Walking
16:00-16:40 Edd Schouten. Artist talk
21:00 Filma Goodbye, Dragon Inn (Bu San, dir. Ming-liang Tsai, 2003)

10:00-11:30 Rosa Barotsi, Elīna Reitere. Slow Cinema
11:50-13:00 Elīna Reitere. Slow Narration in the Cinema. Rosa Barotsi. Errant Visions: Slow Cinema and the Failures of Efficiency
14:00-16:00 Laura Prikule. Conceptual Beach Tennis
16:00-16:40 Laura Prikule. Artist talk
17:00-18:00 Haralds Matulis. Workshop on Absurd
21:00/22:00 Styrmir Örn Guðmundsson. The Night Debate

10:00-11:00 Kārlis Vērdiņš. Being Dumb / Conceptual Writing reading workshop
11:30-12:30 Morten Hansen. Errors, mistakes and expectations as applied in the field of economics
15:00-16:00 Kaspars Groševs. Personal Contract for the Composition of Nebula
16:30-18:00 Paul Clinton. Unpacking the Political and Representational Issues Coming from Artists and Critics Working with Stupidity

10:00-13:00 Travis Jeppesen. Object-oriented Writing at the Latvian Diaspora Art Museum
16:00-17:00 Roberts Ķīlis. Lure of sign fallacy

Projektu finansiāli atbalsta Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fonds, Cēsu novada pašvaldība, Eiropas Savienības programma Creative Europe.